Once everything gets glued down, the job should speed up again - caulk, sand and reinstall fittings (we're hoping to do that last one in the water, rather than on the hard - cooler, and no ladders involved, which would mean I could help).
Meanwhile, I'm in LA for the week, taking care of some states based business, including our taxes. Leave it to me to manage to schedule a trip north during a cold snap - it's supposed to be in the 40's tonight. Brrrr. I have definitely become acclimatized to Mexico.
Hi Jaye,
Thanks for sharing your updates on the progress of your new teak decks. We are about to do the same to our 1985 Mason 43' in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Since we will be negotiating a replacement price for our decks, would you be comfortable giving us a ballpark figure for your new decks once the job is complete? Thanks again and we look forward to reading more progress reports!
Cheers, Elina and Greg
S/V Sapphire
Mason 43' - Hull #74
Actually, since I have not yet started on Canto, and since we love Panama, it's not inconceivable that we'd do the same thing. We did notice teak just growing by the roadside there!
adrian1 at cantocrew.com
I think the 43's are a little harder to do - the decks are set down into recesses in the fiberglass where on the 44 they're just laid on top. OTOH, there may be less "stuff" directly installed on the teak - IIRC, the stanchions aren't, for example. We had to remove almost everything from the deck, which was a huge job.
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